
Showing posts from April, 2022

Printed Cartilage Is Set To Transform

The cost of helping sufferers of arthritis is huge. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association over the past twenty years the number of knee replacement surgeries have increased by 161.5%. Each knee replacement procedure costs Medicare about $15,000 a year. That works out at a total annual bill for Medicare of $5 billion. It's a huge cost and it's one that will only continue to rise.. Luckily there may be a solution to this enormous problem. Scientists have recently revealed that they have successfully grown living cartilage using a 3D bio printer. This may one day enable doctors to "print" cartilage directly to the areas where it is needed most. It also presents a significant business opportunity for forward thinking entrepreneurs who may want to tap into this $5 billion a year market. How 3D Cartilage Replacement Works Dr. D'Lima, the head of orthopedic research at Scripps clinic, is the scientist responsible for the most recent innovations i

Improve Your Sleeping Posture

As we all know that a good sleeping posture is essential for us, the question is "How can we improve our sleeping posture?". I did some research and experiments to find a way. And eventually I came up with some tips that proved really helpful to me. Let's have a look: 1. Identify your best position: When you go to bed at night, try to find the most comfortable position for sleeping throughout the night. A position in which you feel better than any other posture and you can also fall asleep easily. My logic here is, If we start our sleep in a good and comfortable position, we are more likely to stay this way throughout the night. 2. Don't you ever sleep on your stomach: Yeah, you heard me. And if you do, your neck and back won't feel so good than you usually feel. After some research, I came to know that people who sleep on their stomach often find it difficult to change position when they are in sleep. To improve your sleeping posture, you need first make